Contemporary Mixed media Expressional Art piece.

A Contemporary mixed media abstract paintingThere are some art an artist is short of title for. An art work that express different imaginary thoughts and imagery of the artist. This is my story for the above painting, it expresses my progressive thought.  It is a mixed media abstract art piece with the following medium- squeezed newspapers, acrylic, canvass. Dimension- 89.5cm/86.5cm.

The abstract painting was born from the art on my previous blog post.

A Colourful Contemporary Mixed media Landscape Painting.

A contemporary mixed media Acrylic landscape paintingThis is one of my Recent(2012) Mixed media Painting composed from squeezed newspapers, acrylic and canvass with a dimension of 91.5cm/82.5cm. It is an Abstract or Idealistic Expression of a Landscape, expressing roof tops,buildings and tress.

This art piece was born from a mind that crave for something new, complex but simple, exiting and dramatic. I want to create an art that express the totality of my state of mind at that particular time. An art that when it is hanged on the wall i would ask myself- was i the one that made this art? And the art would spore me to create more art.


The African Roof Tops Painting of Colours in Poster Colour/Gouache.

African Contemporary Colourful Landscape in Poster Colour(Gouache)Still experimenting, still working, still digging through the mind to unveil my responses to the African community- the display of roof tops, shapes of buildings, colours and spaces in the landscape. Pouring out my freedom of thought and imagination in Poster colour/Gouache on a flat surface. Am still working………………….

A New African Contemporary Landscape Art on Poster Colour

An African Contemporary Poster Colour Landscape Painting.This is a new art, a new concept. Am experimenting on how i feel and think about the African landscape and nature. I am some how getting tried or bored of a representative landscape painting. I want to create a painting that express simplicity and complexity all together.

I want a landscape painting that ask me questions any time it is hung on the wall or it always tell me a different stories/ideas any time I sees it. Am still working………….

A Forest Gouache/Poster Colour Landscape Painting of Spontaneous Designs

A Forest Landscape Poster Colour Painting.I call this poster colour/gouache art piece a Bush Concept. I painted this with a restless mind to create a piece that is spontaneous, rapid and with a level of freedom. i have been thinking and experimenting on how to express my restless mind in toto on a flat surface. Which i am still working on however, watch out for my subsequent landscape piece.